Project Documents
The update to the Comprehensive Plan will be accompanied and supported by a number of documents, including existing city planning documents, a Public Engagement Plan, an Existing Conditions Report, and summaries of public events. These documents will be made available on this website as they are developed.
Milton Comprehensive Plan (2015)
Milton's existing Comprehensive Plan was approved and adopted in 2015 and revised in 2018. The plan includes sections on land use, housing, transportation, parks and open space, utilities, and capital facilities. The plan elements can be viewed on the City's website.
Existing Conditions Report (2023)
An existing conditions analysis was conducted to understand Milton's land use pattern, housing stock, transportation network, park inventory, and more.
Visioning Workshop Summary (2022)
A summary of the Comprehensive Plan Workshop held on April 14, 2022. Thank you to all that participate in the event.
This document outlines engagement activities, events, and key stakeholder groups. It guides all public outreach for the comprehensive plan update.
Comprehensive Plan Update DRAFT (2024) Volume I
​This volume includes all of the draft goals and policies developed during the periodic update.
Comprehensive Plan Update DRAFT (2024) Volume II
​This volume includes background information to support adopted goals and policies and the future land use map.
Code Audit and Update Framework
The document outlines places where Milton's code should be updated to conform with Washington State Law.​
Middle Housing Context Analysis
This analysis considers what middle housing can look like in the context of Milton.
Development Code (Title 17) Update DRAFT (2024)
This is the most recent version of development code update. Proposed updates reflect changes to the Comprehensive Plan including the proposed Future Land Use Map, and development code requirements.