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A New Community Vision, Existing Conditions Analysis, & More for Milton

Hello Milton Community!

Happy Spring! Thank you to everyone who has shared ideas and aspirations for Milton’s future so far. The 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update has been gaining momentum over the past six months and we’re excited to share a few important milestones. As a reminder, please check the Events page regularly for upcoming opportunities and consider signing up for project updates on the website home page. We also encourage you to use the [contact form] to submit any general comments or questions about the plan. All feedback is appreciated!

Now on to some important updates…

Community Visioning

How do you envision Milton in the next 20 years? What new amenities, parks, housing types, and mobility networks exist in 2044? These are just a few questions you, the Milton community, have answered during engagement opportunities like the Visioning Workshop in April 2022, the community survey, the parks and recreation survey, our visits to local schools, and more.

The following text highlights a portion of the proposed community vision, which you can read on the Visioning page.

In 2044, Milton is successful by retaining its best qualities while adapting to growth and change with thoughtful planning. People love living in Milton because it has the heart of a small town with a mix of urban and rural character. New and long-time residents feel socially connected to their friends and neighbors and strive to maintain roots in the community…

View the full visioning document here.

Existing Conditions Report

The consultant team has been diligently analyzing the existing conditions of Milton’s land use, housing stock, transportation network, parks and recreation facilities, capital facilities, and more over the past six months. We’ve compiled our findings in an existing conditions report which you can access on the Documents page.

The findings in this report will guide the development of each comprehensive plan element in the coming months.

Planning Commission

The project team has also met with the Planning Commission to discuss existing conditions findings and important decisions regarding land use and housing. We shared our analysis on Milton’s housing stock back in February, which led to a discussion about potential housing policy and code changes to better satisfy the demands of existing and new residents. On May 10th, we presented the proposed vision statement, talked through ideas for the future land use map, and discussed implications of new state legislation.

Most recently, we workshopped Milton’s Future Land Use Map—and the general land use categories that shape that map (see photo below)—during a Planning Commission meeting on May 25. This meeting was an important step forward in developing land use alternatives that will ultimately drive the Plan.

Existing Future Land Use / Zoning Map

Next Steps

The project team is now developing land use scenarios that will serve as the backbone for the plan. Each element will be brought forward for public review beginning later this summer. The City is required to complete the plan update by December 31, 2024.


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